PhoneHow many minutes a day do you spend a day on your phone? The answer may surprise you. If you want to find out, there is a new app to help you see just how much of your time is spent texting and browsing the Internet.

Moment is an iOS app that keeps track of how many minutes you spend using your phone. You can even set up a limit for how much time you want to spend on your phone each day and the app will remind you when you’ve reached that limit.

So Why Would I Use This?

Until you track how often you’re on your phone, you might not realize the extent of your usage. For many of us, it becomes a habit that we barely notice anymore.

You probably remember your big blocks of time on the phone, like when you’re texting a friend or looking up directions to a new place. But do you notice when you mindlessly scroll through Twitter or play the newest addicting game?

Smart phones have brought so much convenience to our lives that it may be difficult to notice the other side of the coin: the constant distraction.

Nielsen reported that in the fourth quarter of 2013, adults in the U.S. spent over an hour a day on average on their phones.

It may not seem like a lot, but how much of that time is spent doing something productive? That is the real question. Because there is a big difference between reading news articles related to your industry and playing Plants vs. Zombies (despite how fun it may be).

Who Cares How Often I Use My Phone?

You may think that no one cares how often you use your phone. I promise you, they do.

Being on your phone all the time is not a smart career move. For managers, it can make employees think that you are not engaged if you are constantly looking at your phone. For employees, it can make your managers think that you aren’t focusing on your work if every time they see you, your phone is in your hand.

Trying to give a presentation when someone is looking down at their phone instead of up at the presenter can be very distracting and disrespectful. Even in your personal life, spending time with a friend who is always texting or posting to social media can become tedious fast.

Too much phone usage can also upset your work-life balance because you may end up working around the clock. Being constantly connected to work can lead to mental health issues, higher stress levels and poor sleep, according to the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

How Do I Cut Back on Phone Time?

If you end up realizing that you are on your phone more than you would like to be, don’t worry. With a few simple questions, you can cut down on your phone time.

Phone questions

1. Does my phone need to be on?                       The easiest way to cut down on using your phone is to turn it off or leave it behind. If you don’t need it, like when you are going to a meeting, don’t bring it. It’s as simple as that.

2. Do I need to use my phone for this?
I know, there’s an app for that. But do you need to use it? There’s nothing wrong with getting a little old-school with a pen and a notebook instead of using an app. It may even help.

3. Is this activity worth my time?
Websites and apps can easily lead you down a rabbit hole of distraction. Do you really need take another “What 90s Jam Defines Your Life?” quiz?

4. Am I missing out on real life?
I admit, I’ve never met a sunset I didn’t want to Instagram. Capturing memories isn’t a bad thing, but when you are so busy documenting your life that you stop actually living it, change may be needed.

Don’t let your phone take over your whole world. A few small changes can make a big difference.

Erin PalmerErin Palmer is a writer and editor who is trying to cut down on using her phone so much. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and websites, including The Chicago Tribune and The Huffington Post.

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