shoppers_eager_to_try_in_store_digital_strategiesDigital technology doesn’t mean doom for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.

While more shoppers have turned to the Internet for many of their purchases, e-commerce is just one piece of the digital puzzle.

Consumers are increasingly using technology both in and out of stores to simplify and improve their shopping experience.

A recent Nielsen report showed that in-store digital strategies can provide online shopping benefits to brick-and-mortar stores. Used correctly, options such as mobile coupons, digital shopping lists, in-store Wi-Fi and QR codes can increase customer engagement levels and consumer satisfaction, ultimately boosting sales.

The Nielsen E-commerce and the New Retail Survey found that while only a small percentage of consumers worldwide are using the digital features, they are eager to try them out as they become more available.

Digital coupons were cited as the most used in-store digital tool (18%), followed by mobile shopping lists (15%).

Fourteen percent of survey respondents downloaded a retailer’s mobile app for information or deals and 12% said they log into a store’s Wi-Fi for information and offers.

About 11% use a store’s computers to see products or scan QR codes for additional details.

Even with the low participation rate, about two-thirds of people surveyed said they would potentially use the options in the future.

The online survey of consumers in 60 countries also found that those in the Asia-Pacific region are the biggest users of in-store digital options and are the most eager to try them once they are available.

Latin America is not using much of these tactics yet, but they are interested, with more than 70% saying they are willing to test them in the future.

Coupons for mobile devices are the most popular strategy, with 26% of North American respondents saying they use them, the highest of any region. Europeans are low users of all digital options and are the least likely to try them in the future.

Respondents worldwide also said they were likely to try out self-checkout as well as hand-held store scanners to buy products while shopping to avoid checkout lines.

Overall, Nielsen officials said, retailers and manufacturers can use digital tools to help consumers take control of their shopping experience more than ever before whether they are buying online or in a store.

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