uclaThe University of California, Los Angeles, has the most driven students in the country, based on a report from the company Views On You.

The company, based in London, gathers information from students to help match them with the companies that best match their skill sets.

The company bases a person’s personality on three factors – energy, which gauges how you work; interpersonal, which gauges how you interact with others; and intelligence, which gauges how you think.

The company uses 23 different metrics to make the determination, according to Business Insider. Views on You allows users to set up their own profiles using their Facebook and Linked  In accounts.

The site uses information provided by the user plus information from people who know the user. That information is then matched with the skills and traits that are sought by companies.

Here are the schools that have the most-driven students, according to the Website, in ascending order:

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Northwestern University
  • University of Cambridge
  • John Hopkins University
  • Stanford University
  • University College London
  • London School of Economics
  • Vanderbilt University
  • University of California, Los Angeles

The Views on You site provides a number of interesting surveys in its blog that utilizes data the site has compiled on its users and companies.

For example, it recently published a list of the 25 most creative companies. The list was topped by Paris-based drug manufacturer, Sanofi. The rest of the Top 10 most creative companies: Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan; accounting firm Grant Thornton in Chicago; Qualcomm in San Diego; FedEx Corporation in Memphis, Tenn.; Apple in Cupertino, Calif.; CBC Television in Toronto; Universal Music Group in Santa Monica; Viacom in New York City; Qatar Airways Company in Doha, Qatar.

The site also conducted a comparison between Yahoo! and Google employees.  Among the findings:

  • Google employees are more sociable than Yahoo employees
  • Google employees are more open to new ideas than Yahoo employees
  • Yahoo employees thrive in more structured environments than Google employees
  • Yahoo employees are less ambitious than Google employees

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