Vince VaughnFor anyone who has ever had to develop a presentation or create a graphic with stock photos, you know the images can be sterile, contrived and even cheesy.

How about famous?

Actor Vince Vaughn stars in a new set of free, limited edition stock photos as promotional materials for his movie, Unfinished Business, which will be out this Friday.

Twentieth Century Fox partnered with iStock by Getty Images to create the downloadable series of stock photos starring Vaughn and co-stars Dave Franco, Tom Wilkinson and other cast members.

The photos show Vaughn and his co-stars in humorous, but stiff, office-centric poses. There’s a celebratory group shot titled There’s No “I’’ in Team and a photo of a serious but confident Vaughn and his colleagues titled Team Work Makes the Dream Work.

In all, 12 images will be available over a three week span through

“In case you didn’t get the memo…. Work presentations have never been so entertaining,’’ the site says.

The promotion plays well with the movie, which is about a normal business that goes awry. Vaughn and his crew end up making unplanned stops at a crazy events and a global economic summit.

Over the last year, visual content this like has emerged as an effective tool for marketers. It has been shown to increase blog traffic, social media engagement and customer conversion rates.

During 2014, nearly every major social media network, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram have increased the prominence and importance of visual content.

Here’s why. Last year, the amount of video from people and brands in Facebook’s News Feed increase 3.6 times over the previous year, according to the social media site.

Since June 2014, Facebook has averaged more than 1 billion video views per day.

Visual content also works well on Twitter. Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets, reports Buffer, a tool for managing social networks.

According to research by, photos posted on Facebook saw the most engagement and accounted for 87% of all shares among the top posts of 30,000 Facebook brand pages.

For marketers, using images and pictures was more important to optimizing social media posts than adding hashtags, targeting specific groups or employing other tactics.

The use of visual content was a key part of most marketers’ plans in 2014 and 70% said they intended to increase their use of visuals this year.

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