Training Course for Small Business ContractorsSmall business owners interested in working with the federal government, the largest buyer of services and goods the world over, might find a new training course from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) useful in their quest.

The SBA’s online class, the Certificate of Competency Program Overview, provides business owners with the information they need to navigate the process and move forward with requests for appeal if their bids are turned down.

What the Course Covers

The brand new online course and its accompanying workbook are designed to help small business owners, contracting officers and others interested in doing business with the federal government learn how to use the Certificate of Competency Program more effectively. The class goes over such important topics as:

  • The referral process
  • The application process
  • Eligibility requirements
  • The SBA review and appeal process
  • Performance requirements for the contractor

The course also provides a number of resources meant to help contractors learn the ropes.

Why It Matters

Becoming an approved federal contractor takes work and sometimes businesses have to go above and beyond to prove they are truly eligible for the task. The Certificate of Competency program gives a small business a way to appeal a contracting officer’s determination that it cannot meet the requirements of a government contract for which it is the lowest bidder.

When a business agrees to a COC, a detailed review conducted by the SBA is kicked off that can help the business prove its ability to deliver. If the business can prove eligibility, the SBA has the authority to issue a COC to the contracting officer who turned down the bid, effectively requiring that the specific contract be awarded to the business.

How it Works

Congress has authorized the SBA to certify small businesses in regard to their ability to meet the requirements of a specific government contract. If a small business is the low bidder on a contract, but a contracting officer intends to reject the proposal, the SBA is able to step in. That agency contacts the small business and gives them the opportunity to apply for a COC review.

The COC program is overseen by SBA industrial and financial specialists who conduct an in-depth review of a company’s ability to meet the requirements of the contract. If that team grants the COC, the firm gets the contract. If it doesn’t, the firm is informed of the decision.

COC referrals come directly from government contracting officers to the SBA. The COC is only valid for the specific contract it is issued for.

Learning what to expect during a COC review can help a business poise itself to meet eligibility requirements. To find out more about the new course or others related to working with the federal government, visit the SBA’s Government Contracting Classroom online.

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