Twitter has offered business analytics services for years, but only recently has the microblogging service begun to offer marketers more tools to develop content on Twitter via their Twitter Cards.

Now, the company is expanding the abilities of its cards and allowing participating businesses to go beyond the few lines that normal tweets allow into more in-depth content.

The original cards, used by more than 10,000 developers and apps according to Twitter’s report, allowed businesses to place extra content on their Twitter feeds. In addition to a link, for example, a marketer could include a summary of an article, a video or a posted photo.

The new Twitter Cards will expand these capabilities in several ways. There will be mobile app “deep-linking” cards that allow users to use links directly in Twitter that will take them to developer apps or app downloads (instead of only to developer links), allowing companies to advocate the use of their own apps through Twitter and increasing their mobile presence while still using social media.

Twitter has included several other new cards, as well, including a card specifically for apps that shows purchasing information for interested buyers and a Product Card that offers similar descriptions and services for business products. There is also a new Gallery Card that represents several photographs through a small preview of the photo collection.

Along with the additions, Twitter has also reworked the way in which cards are created, with an eye on including more types of cards in the future. The new cards will be used by big brand names such as Flickr, Angry Birds, SoundCloud and Etsy.

The combination of Twitter and marketing shows how the business industry is beginning to adopt a more universal approach to advertising, growing in-house specialties rather than depending on outside agencies. Andrew Moss makes a similar point in his March 2013 article on how major companies are acquiring marketing startups to bolster their (sometimes failing) traditional business models. Investment in digital marketing has become highly profitable, and Twitter’s move follows the trend closely — the company held an April 2 platform event at its headquarters solely to show off the new features it has created for developers.


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