Google recently released its Quickoffice application for iPhone and Android, adding sharing and editing functionality for consumers and enterprise users on the go. The Google app provides the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) user with the ability to edit documents, collaborate with colleagues and share their documents through Google Drive.

Announced in a Google blog post on April 2, Quickoffice is now available on iPhone and Android, arriving after a previously released iPad version. Google added support for Quickoffice in its Google App offering for business users, which uses an array of existing applications and bundles them into a package for enterprise users for $50. Google Apps for Business users can download the application for free, and non-business users can download Quickoffice Pro for $14.99. Acquired in 2006, Quickoffice is the newest Google application targeting enterprise users.

Google Apps for Business provides multiple applications for mobile that target BYOD and BYOA (Bring Your Own Application) users. According to a report by Gartner, the number of mobile enterprise devices is increasing and drives demand for enterprise app stores like Google Apps for Business. Gartner indicates that by 2017 “25 percent of enterprises will have an enterprise app store.”

Google is exploiting this trend by offering employees and consumers editing, sharing and collaboration features directly from their smartphone. Gartner also notes that organizations are looking for cross-platform app store providers, like Google, who support both desktop and mobile devices.

“From Word to Excel to Powerpoint, you can make quick edits at the airport or from the back of a taxi and save and share everything in Google Drive,” said Mark Beaton, product manager for Quickoffice, in the blog post. Enterprise users who collaborate on spreadsheets and documents through Google Drive can use Quickoffice while away from their desktops, effectively making Quickoffice a BYOD-friendly product for business use.


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