The University of Connecticut, in conjunction with Connecticut State Governor Dannel P. Malloy, announced the creation of a new digital media program that would include the newly launched Department of Digital Media & Design at both the Storrs and Stamford campuses.

This new digital media program includes both a new Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in digital media.

The programs are part of the state’s $1.5 billion investment in “Next Generation Connecticut,” a program aimed at helping the university prepare the students of today for the workforce of tomorrow.

The new majors are aimed at preparing students to assist companies with digital media, marketing and website development. The University of Connecticut indicates that those pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will focus on digital media creation, while those enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program will focus on learning how to use digital media for marketing, communications, engineering, sciences and related fields.

Critics contend that the new majors at the Stamford campus are unnecessary. The State University of New York’s campus, just 14 miles away, offers a similar program of study. The university contends that the programs are an important investment into majors that prepare students for the future. UConn facilities are outdated, according to an article in the CT Mirror, and the cash infusion from the state is a welcome boost to help modernize and update the universities’ campuses, majors and infrastructure.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers for digital media professionals are expected to see an increase in job propsects over the coming decade. In a time when the overall job market is shrinking, the rising demand for workers skilled at creating digital content could be great news for Connecticut students considering a major in the new digital media program.


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