A group of institutions have come together to help students graduating with humanities degrees find their career path.

They have formed the Praxis Network, a partnership of humanities programs focused on innovative learning models that prepare both graduate and undergraduate students for life after graduation. The goal of the partnership is to broaden the range of careers available to humanities graduates without sacrificing the core academic values of the discipline.

The Praxis Network is a project out of the Scholarly Communication Institute (SCI) at the University of Virginia Library, but includes seven institutional programs in its network.

The Praxis Network’s website allows people to look at all the partners to learn about the latest career-focused innovations in humanities programs. Duke University’s Ph.D. Lab in Digital Knowledge, for example, gives Ph.D. students in the humanities the opportunity to learn about new digital scholarship and apply it to their own professional careers.

Another program in the Praxis Network is the Interactive Arts and Science (IASC) Program at Brock University. The IASC is an interdisciplinary program that teaches students how to use digital media to engage the public with courses in social media, 3-D online environments and emerging digital platforms. It requires students to create their own integrative digital media project as a practical application of the learning material.

The Praxis Network is one of the three major projects in SCI’s broad “rethinking graduate education” initiative. The first project was a series of meetings to discuss curriculum at the graduate level. At the meetings, experts discussed the roles of institutions such as libraries and scholarly societies in creating curricular change, especially change that leads to better career preparation.

SCI’s second project was to study the current level of career preparation in graduate programs. SCI found that most of the graduates in its study are not learning important skills needed in today’s business environment, such as project management, collaboration and communication with diverse audiences. SCI will publish a detailed report on its findings later this year.

The Praxis Network is the latest project in SCI’s efforts to transform graduate education. The network highlights programs that are doing well in career preparation, and while the programs themselves are diverse, they’re all intended to be “student-focused, digitally-inflected, interdisciplinary, and frequently oriented around collaborative projects.”


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