A recent study named the top five global consumer electronic companies, and discussed how those companies continue to stay ahead of the technological forefront and remain relevant. Reports suggest the consumer electronics industry is not only booming, but it is lucrative for investors, and the companies mentioned know how to adapt to quick swings in the market with the help of strong portfolios and rapid innovations.

The “Top Five Global Consumer Electronic Companies: Performance, Strategies and Competitive Analysis,” a report released by Research and Markets, discusses the top five consumer electronics companies — Apple, Sony, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Samsung — and how these key players are capable of maintaining growth in the booming consumer electronics space. The potential for success is elusive for some technology companies; the challenge, says the report, is circumventing the dwindling PC market and facing rising competition that forces market prices down.

The top five companies offer a range of consumer electronics products — tablets, smartphones, media devices etc. — contributing to the industry’s potential for not only impressive margins for investors, but a “strong market position” for the companies, themselves. Apple, for example, announced in a press release that they would return $100 billion to shareholders within two years. “We are very fortunate to be in a position to more than double the size of the capital return program we announced last year,” says Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. For investors, the return on investment from technology companies is lucrative and helps secure the market stronghold for the consumer electronics industry.

In a press release by The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), consumer confidence in technology increased in the month of April. According to CEA chief economist Shawn DuBravac, “Technology sentiment rose this month despite wavering confidence in the overall economy.” Technology spending is also up for the year, with a 35 percent increase in consumer electronics products over the past 12 months. More consumers are looking to buy, and companies like those on Research and Markets’ list are innovating, providing more consumer products to meet demand and ushering in innovative technologies to pique the customer’s interest.


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